Entrance examination dates for universities of applied sciences confirmed

The entrance examination for universities of applied sciences will be carried out in June in two separate stages. The first stage of the examination will be organised on 4 June 2020 as a digital distance examination. The second stage of the examination will be organised on the campuses of universities of applied sciences in different parts of the country on 23-25 June 2020.

As a rule, all applicants can participate in the first stage of the examination. If an applicant has been selected through certificate-based admission, he or she does not need to take the examination. If an applicant wishes to pursue a higher preference of study programme, he or she must take the entrance examination.

Those who are most successful in the first stage will be invited to take the second stage of the examination.

Invitations to the second stage of the examination will be sent by e-mail in the week starting on 15 June. The location and exact time of the second stage of the examination will be given in the invitation.

The second stage of the entrance examination will be carried out at the university of applied sciences of the programme for which the applicant’s points are sufficient on the basis of the first stage of the examination.

Applicants are advised to ensure that their e-mail address in Studyinfo is still active.

The organisation of examinations on campus was made possible when the Government announced on 4 May that restrictions concerning universities of applied sciences would be lifted. The second stage examinations will be carried out safely in accordance with restrictions and instructions given by the authorities.

Both examinations will assess the applicants’ capacities for higher education studies, and there is no preliminary material for either of them.

This schedule applies to degree programmes in the joint application process that ended on 1 April that use the entrance examination for universities of applied sciences. These can be found on the ammattikorkeakouluun.fi page >>

The change does not concern applicants to culture and arts degree programmes (excluding applicants to Humak Cultural Management) or applicants to a Master’s degree programme.

More detailed instructions regarding the examination will be published on the ammattikorkeakouluun.fi website.


AMK-päivät 2024


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Entrance examination dates for universities of applied sciences confirmed